6 February 2025

Positive Behaviour Support & Wellbeing

At Shepparton East Primary School we strive to provide an inclusive, supportive and safe learning environment by encouraging all students to care for themselves, others, their learning and their school.

Introducing, modelling and reinforcing positive social behaviour are important components of a student’s educational experience, and at SEPS we promote and maintain a reliable and controlled approach to behaviour management by utilising a School Wide Positive Behaviours Support (PBS) framework. 

A PBS framework promotes a proactive approach to teaching behavioural expectations and rewarding students for following them, rather than waiting for errors to occur before responding. This ensures a consistent approach to discipline with clearly defined rules, routines and physical arrangements, which are developed and taught by school staff. Like academic skills that have been learned initially, social skills must be regularly practised and acknowledged frequently to ensure mastery and sustained use.

Our approach aligns academic and behavioural systems to create an emphasis on explicitly teaching, monitoring and rewarding appropriate behaviour. We use a behaviour matrix to teach our four values:  ‘Care for Yourself’, ‘Care for Others’, ‘Care for Your Learning’ and ‘Care for Your School’.

These are then separated into the following seven different settings that are relevant to Shepparton East:

  • The Learning Environment
  • Outside and the Playground
  • Toilets
  • Excursions and Bus Travel
  • Eating Time
  • Cyber Space
  • Transitions

A PBS framework promotes a proactive approach to teaching behavioural expectations and rewarding students for following them rather than waiting for errors to occur before responding.

Data collection is an important part of our PBS and is used in a number of ways within the framework. Staff surveys are used to identify areas that still need to be implemented or refined, and student surveys check student’s knowledge of the values and expectations. Data regarding overall student behaviour is collected and reviewed fortnightly in order to examine any patterns of behaviour that we may need to address. This reflection looks at data such as the time of day of incidences, the year level of those involved,  the motivation behind the behaviour, or repeating behaviours from individuals.

At SEPS we have developed ‘SPOTTO’s’ which are used to acknowledge appropriate behaviours shown. A SPOTTO is a round coloured sticker that correlates to the four different PBS settings. Students own a chart to keep track of their SPOTTOs earned and they then trade these for different items. For example, with 10 SPOTTOs students can eat lunch with a friend and with 20 they can have a special postcard sent home from their teacher.

Our School Values featured at the front of our school

Systems are set up as a tiered approach so that there is a consistent method for all students. Specialised systems are also in place for students who may need additional support. Our Chaplaincy Program offers students and families welfare support as well as links to other local support networks. In addition, our Chaplain also runs a breakfast program that aims to create cross aged social links for our students and promote the ethos of healthy eating.

Many positive outcomes are reached through our PBS program such as a calmer and more constructive school environment, improved student social skills, an overall decrease in the incidence of negative student behaviour and enhanced positive relationships and academic achievement.As a mentor school, we are proud of our PBS system and value the positive results it provides our school community and other schools in the system.

Wellbeing & Chaplaincy

We are fortunate to have an innovative Chaplaincy Program on offer for our students and families. Our chaplain, Mark Rumble, provides our students, parents and staff with one on one support when needed and also runs a number of valuable programs such as a Breakfast Club on Wednesday mornings. 

Mark provides ongoing support to students, parents and teachers by offering a pastoral care program that does not have any particular religious focus. This program, made available through our School Council, aims to service the school community and adapt to it’s welfare needs. Access to the program is through self, parent, or teacher referral and is of a voluntary nature. Mark is available Monday to Thursday. Appointments can be made through the office. 

As a Chaplain Mark can:

  • Run support groups
  • Monitor and assist individual children who are experiencing issues within the classroom and yard
  • Make referrals to other professional services
  • Support teachers in the classroom and yard
  • Connect with parents during times of bereavement
  • Matters of faith are only pursued when the child or adult involved wishes to speak of them.